For some time, our Wisconsin roofing contractors have sponsored the local little league and sports complex, home to the Waukesha Blazers and Catholic Memorial High School. In appreciation of our dedicated sponsorship Five Diamonds, Inc. and Infinity Roofing decided to change the name of the Waukesha sports complex to "Infinity Fields." This overwhelming feeling of connection to the community inspired Infinity Roofing to host a benefit to help the homeless in Waukesha County and other outlying areas.
Teaming up with the Hebron House on April 27, 2013, our Milwaukee roofers reached out to community members to join the efforts in helping the homeless. Local businesses and community members rallied together at Infinity Fields (formerly Five Diamonds Fields) to donate basic essentials to the Hebron House, such as canned goods, healthy snacks, baby products, gift cards, bus passes, first aid supplies, personal hygiene products, and other staple items. Community members united over peace, goodwill, and the ever-popular Klement’s racing sausages.
Infinity Roofing wants to thank everyone who came out to lend support to our community members in need. Your generosity did not go unnoticed and we appreciate all your efforts in making this community benefit such a huge success. Our Milwaukee roofing company is anxiously awaiting the next big community outreach opportunity. Check back often for upcoming community service events, and we’ll see you out there! Click the Hebron House link for more information on how you can help this fantastic cause.